Hacking x 3D Printing

Hacking x 3D Printing

1000 557 Digital-Can Tech

Industrial 3D printing helps re-design and changes orientation of market-ready products.

Hacking in 3d Printing plays along with original product, allowing consumers & designers alike to improve their items without needing to purchasing a new one.


“WAV 40” piece plays on our senses and draws inspiration from our sensory. It’s designed as a changeable case for the MUJI ultrasonic aroma diffuser. “WAV 40” provides customization area for you to make it unique to you.

KitchenAid x fons Sweegers & Lilian Van Stekelenburg

Designers, fons Sweegers & Lilian Van Stekelenburg saw the opportunities 3d printing brought and decided to put it to the test with a HACKING project. Their hypothesis was that through 3d printing that they can allow a typical kitchenware like the KitchenAid & convert it’s functioning ability into something new. Using the KitchenAid’s auxillary port for accessories, the designer’s used that port to create a knitting accessory – turning a kitchenware into a knitting machine.